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The symbol of Helix communicates the idea of Resilience as an ability to withstand, adapt and grow. It is in all of us and can be learned and developed in anyone, like the nature itself. We can trace the helix in every living organism, the nature and surrounding. |
Resilience embraces the unknown and welcomes flexibility, adaptation, and innovation. It is the capacity to respond and adjust to significant changes, which has become essential nowadays. CSOs in developing community and societal resilience have a forefront in adapting to new realities and grasping new possibilities.
Civil engagement and participation are important elements of active citizenship and basic condition for an innovative and democratic society. To enable this, the EU will support the civil society through the Civil Resilience Mechanism in the Republic of North Macedonia.
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The symbol of Helix communicates the idea of Resilience as an ability to withstand, adapt and grow. It is in all of us and can be learned and developed in anyone, like the nature itself. We can trace the helix in every living organism, the nature and surrounding. |
Resilience embraces the unknown and welcomes flexibility, adaptation, and innovation. It is the capacity to respond and adjust to significant changes, which has become essential nowadays. CSOs in developing community and societal resilience have a forefront in adapting to new realities and grasping new possibilities.
Civil engagement and participation are important elements of active citizenship and basic condition for an innovative and democratic society. To enable this, the EU will support the civil society through the Civil Resilience Mechanism in the Republic of North Macedonia.
The EU Civil Resilience Mechanism (CRM) is an in-kind support programme for civil society organisations launched under the EU funded project: Technical Assistance for improving the enabling environment for Civil Society Organisations in the Republic of North Macedonia.
The main objective of this Programme is contributing towards enhanced space and capacities of civil society for efficiently addressing the key reform priorities in their communities needed for further democratisation of the society. Through this support, the CSOs should create stronger links with citizens by engaging them in decision and policy making with public authorities, and in ensuring respect for the rule of law and good governance, fundamental rights and international standards, social and greener economy and other activities important for the interests of citizens and improving their living conditions.
Moreover, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and its negative impact on the economic and social spheres increased the existing vulnerabilities of the society. In this context, the CRM Mechanism is important for expanding the EU partnerships with grass-root civil society organisations in North Macedonia in further strengthening the local communities for maintaining the social cohesion, and the policy dialogue for shaping the socio-economic recovery toward a more equitable, gender responsive and environmental-friendly society.
In this respect, the CRM mechanism shall serve to enable grass-root civil society organisations to undertake efficient and effective actions to promptly respond to real needs in their communities and strengthen the citizens’ resilience during frequent social changes, but also informing the citizens, objectively and promptly, on the EU accession process and related sector reforms in the country and their real impact on citizens’ lives.
The support is open to civil society organisations registered in line with the Law of Associations and Foundations of the Republic of North Macedonia, with the last annual turnover of up to
EUR 50,000.
Any action to be supported under the Civil Resilience Mechanism must be rights-based and for public benefit. Rights-based actions are carried out according to the “Rights-based approach”, placing universal human rights values, standards and norms at the action’s centre. This approach encompasses fundamental, human rights, economic, social, and cultural rights, including animal and environmental rights. Public benefit activity is an activity that is socially useful. Article 74 of the Law on Associations and Foundations lists actions/activities of public benefit.
The proposed action must clearly address at least one of the five objectives/lots listed below in order for an applicant to be considered eligible. Although the proposed action may address issues from more than one objective, it must clearly belong to one of the objectives/lots:
Objective 1/Lot 1: To enable CSOs for legal and policy creation and implementation, and for reinforcing advocacy and watchdog role.
Objective 2 /Lot 2: To enhance CSOs for increasing sectorial networking, dialogue, and cooperation with public institutions (central and local) and business community.
Objective 3/Lot 3: To support CSOs in promoting and enhancing democracy and human rights with rights-based actions.
Objective 4/Lot 4: To improve the visibility of the work of CSOs and strengthen their communication with their constituencies and sectorial stakeholders.
Objective 5/Lot 5: To foster networking and exchange of good practices among CSOs in the country and with IPA/EU based CSOs (create citizens’ initiatives and platforms and/or participate in European umbrella organisations for structural cooperation).
Actions must take place in the Republic of North Macedonia.
In the Guidelines for applicants you will find an indicative list of activities (which is not exhaustive), as well as details about the eligible costs for the action.
For more information click HERE.
The overall indicative amount made available under this Call is 900,000 EUR.
During the first round of application, support of up to 600,000 EUR will be awarded.
Size of in-kind support
Any support requested under this Call must be equal to or lower than 20,000 EUR.
All costs for eligible activities under selected applications will be 100% covered.
Minimum action duration: 3 (three) months.
Maximum action duration: until August 31, 2023.
In order to apply for this in-kind support, you need to fill in the application form including budget with budget justification. You must apply in English.
The application form must be submitted online after completing the general online form. Upon submission of an application form online, you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt.
Please note that incomplete application forms may be rejected. Applicants are advised to verify that their application form is completed by using the checklist for application forms.
You are strongly advised to check the implementation documents and procedures before requesting support in order to be properly informed about the application requirements.
The deadline for application for this call for in-kind support is:
Annex A: Application form (download here)
– A.1 – Indicative action plan for implementing the action
– А.2 – Thematic Fields
– A.3 – Checklist
Annex B: Budget (download here)
Annex C: Implementation Guidelines (download here)
Annex D: Assessment Grid (download here)
Applications will be examined and evaluated by the contracting authority with the assistance of assessors. All applications will be assessed according to the following steps and criteria:
Eligibility verification will be performed on the basis of the supporting documents requested by the contracting authority. It will by default only be performed for the applications that have been provisionally selected according to their score and within the available budget for this call for in-kind support. The following supporting documents in copy will be requested:
In case the potential applicant is not recommended for support, recommendations for improvement of the application form will be provided to the unsuccessful applicant who may choose to improve and resubmit the application form in the second round of application.
The CRM Team hosts a series of Info-days to provide guidance on completing the request for support and to respond to questions. Follow us on Facebook to get informed about the next Info-day and to register your participation.
For more information, please contact the CRM Team on +389 (0) 76 202 739,
from 10:00h to 15:00h (Monday – Friday).The CRM Team is committed to respond to you promptly.
We invite you to read thoroughly the CRM documents before preparing your request for support. If you have questions, you can write to our Help Desk at: crm-helpdesk@eu4cr.mk
All questions with answers will be published under Frequently Asked Questions.
1. The Civil Resilience Mechanism supports rights-based actions, what does the rights-based approach mean?
The rights-based approach requires the attention of institutions, groups, or individuals who have responsibility or duty in an ideal world to provide the services, protect the rights or take the measures you intend to cover in your action. These so-called duty-bearers could be local bodies, ministries, parliamentarians, universities, CSOs, private sector, professional organisations, international organisations, community leaders, etc.
The rights-based approach develops the capacity of duty-bearers to meet their obligations and encourages rights-holders to claim their rights. For each action, different duty-bearers might have different roles and responsibilities. If these actors are not fulfilling their responsibilities or duties and if you do nothing to change this with your action, it will mean that things continue to be the same and you would need endlessly to continue raising funds for filling in the gaps left out by duty-bearers. Thereby, it can be said that the rights-based approach also aims for the sustainability of actions and results.
To better develop rights-based actions, you can follow these steps:
The rights-based approach is implemented through the application of five guiding working principles:
To read more on the rights-based approach click HERE.
2. What type of measures can we include to take cross-cutting issues like gender, environment, youth, accessibility in our action design?
The Civil Resilience Mechanism, in line with the rights-based approach, seeks for consideration and integration of cross-cutting issues, particularly the following: ensuring access of people with different disabilities, involvement of disadvantaged groups, environment protection, gender equality and youth inclusion. There are relevant questions in the request for support form in which you are being asked how you will also target and include these cross-cutting areas within the specific activities, policies, and/or specific measures which will strengthen your action and contribute to the programme objectives.
Such measures and activities vary from ensuring the equal participation of genders, young people, disadvantaged groups and people with disabilities in your activities supported by the CRM, to organising specific activities to include young women with disabilities or to providing specific measures (e.g., accessible venues, vegan or vegetarian catering, non-use of plastic bottles, recycling). When and if there is a research component in your action, you can make sure that all genders and ages are represented in the survey. Or when and if you will be creating a website or video you can consider sign language and subtitles for people with different disabilities). In your monitoring of action results, you can consider assessing how different groups of people (disaggregated by gender, age, disability, etc.) are being affected by your intervention.
3. Can a CSO request support for more than one Action?
A CSO can receive in-kind support through the Civil Resilience Mechanism for the implementation of one Action only.
4. Can we get support from the Civil Resilience Mechanism for designing or drafting our action? If yes, what kind of support can we receive?
All CSOs that want to request support from the Civil Resilience Mechanism can ask for assistance from the CRM Team – Help Desk at all stages: pre-request, request and implementation stages. However, please note that CRM Team – Help Desk will not assist you in writing or filling out the form or make any compliance check for your request for support form. The help desk support consists of clarifications and/or explanations regarding the eligibility criteria, request process, budget issues, clarifications on the request for support form, the eligibility and compliance checks, information about other CRM supported actions, about potential partners and other similar support.
5. We are a civil society organisation established this year in March. We already have a nice running portfolio, past projects, as well as projects we currently work on. However, we are unable to provide an official annual financial report because we’re operating for less than a year. Can you please inform us whether we can still apply?
According to Section 2.1. Eligibility of applicants of the Guidelines for applicants the criteria for eligibility of applicants are:
There are no specific criteria about when the organisation was established. Since your organisation has been established in 2022 you are not obliged to provide any financial statements for 2021.
6. We are XXX, and we are one of the oldest registered association in Macedonia. Our work is networking of associations throughout the whole country. Can we also apply at this call?
According to Section 2.1. Eligibility of applicants of the Guidelines for applicants the criteria for eligibility of applicants are:
7. Our organisation is registered in Veles. Can we apply with a project which will be implemented outside of the territory of the Municipality of Veles, i.e. in other town in RN Macedonia? Do we have to implement within these minimum three months the final event as well?
Section 2.2. Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made of the Guidelines for Applicants states that the actions must take place on the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia. There are no specific criteria that the action must take place in the municipality where the applicant is registered. The activities may be implemented in one or more municipalities in one or more regions in the Republic of North Macedonia.
Concerning the duration of the proposed project, according to the criteria, the initial planned duration of an action may not be lower than 3 months with a maximum implementation period until 31st August 2023. Thus, you may set the action duration which has to be from three to eight months if you plan to start with the action implementation in January 2023. The action duration comprises the implementation of all activities of the proposed action including the final event.
8. We are an XXX from Veles and we are eager that the EU will support the civil society through the Civil Resilience Mechanism in the Republic of North Macedonia. We have read the guidelines of the call and we have a question regarding the Annex CRM Implementation guidelines, section Equipment (purchase of small equipment). Since we are working on a specific field XXX we would like to ask you if there is a possibility to relocate the percentage of purchasing, instead small equipment we would like to purchase specialized rescue equipment (for example: equipment-60% action team compensation-20%).
Section 2.3. Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included of the Guidelines for Applicants “Purchase of small equipment, which must be directly linked to the activity of the action and justified. The purchase is limited to 15% of the total cost of the action budget. The type of category of equipment may be for administration of the action (laptop, printer, projector) but may also be another type of equipment for the specific nature of activities under the action. After full implementation of the action, the ownership of the equipment will be transferred to the CSO that has implemented the action.”
9. According to the organisation’s financial statement for 2021, the organisation should not exceed 50,000 EUR in turnover in order to be eligible applicant. In the financial statement there is a current inflow/revenue for the year 2021 as well as transferred assets/revenues from the previous year (2020). Are both taken for calculating the annual turnover?
Excess revenues from previous years that are transferred to 2021 are not taken in the calculation of the annual turnover for 2021.
10. The Ministry of Information Society categorizes jobs for all employees in the public sector, namely public service providers, technical assistants, and administrative workers. Under providers of public services in healthcare, which, according to the MISA codebook, have the code ZDR, are healthcare workers and healthcare associates. The job position healthcare associate with specialisation, has the code ZDR 03 01 D01 001 and it is under serial number 2428 in the codebook and is considered as a provider of public services in healthcare. In case a person who is on this job position is part of the action team are the costs for his/her engagement eligible costs?
According to section 2.3. Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included from the Guidelines for Applicants under Non-eligible costs is listed “Honoraria for activists and compensation for public administration staff”. Thus, if the person is already employed and paid directly from central, regional, or local government budgets then they cannot be paid as project experts or project team members.
11. In the implementation of the planned project, we anticipate the purchase of a Braille printer (a Braille printer for blind people), but the printer itself costs about 4200 euros plus costs for transport, customs, VAT and forwarding services. Can this whole cost be eligible under this call for in-kind support?
According to Section 2.3. Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included of the Guidelines for Applicants “Purchase of small equipment, which must be directly linked to the activity of the action and justified. The purchase is limited to 15% of the total cost of the action budget. The type of category of equipment may be for administration of the action (laptop, printer, projector) but may also be another type of equipment for the specific nature of activities under the action. After full implementation of the action, the ownership of the equipment will be transferred to the CSO that has implemented the action.”
12. Can CSOs’ alliances/networks registered in line with the Law on Associations and Foundations apply on the call?
According to Section 2.1. Eligibility of applicants of the Guidelines for applicants the criteria for eligibility of applicants are:
13. Are bank fees eligible costs if directly related to action costs?
YES if any. This may only be the case with payments made to the organisation for compensation of action team and communication costs.
14. Can more than one expert be budgeted and requested if they are well justified?
According to Section 2.3. Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included of the Guidelines for applicants eligible costs are the costs for maximum one thematic expert (excluding on legal issues).
15. Does having partner in the application increase the chances for receiving CRM in-kind support?
Under this call for in-kind support it is not mandatory to have a partner. Having a partner or not is not assessed by the assessors.
16. What is the implementation procedure for this in-kind support?
Implementation procedure is explained in the Implementation Guidelines available on the website www.eu4cr.mk
17. Does the in-kind support have to be registered for VAT exemption?
NO, this in-kind support does not have to be registered for VAT exemption as all payments will be made directly by the CRM team.
18. In case the pool of suppliers provided by the CRM team does not provide the needed services, what is the procedure? What if the pool of supplies has no local coverage of services?
The organisation collects three offers or does market research and sends the full documentation to the CRM team for approval of the proposed supplier.
19. When is the expected start date for the action implementation? Having in mind that in the application must be stated number of months for action implementation, what is the maximum duration of the actions in number of months?
It is expected for the approved actions to start with the implementation in January 2023, thus maximum duration of the proposed action is eight months.
20. Having in mind that the organisations can be small and without any budget, is it possible for advance payments to be made to the organisations for covering the costs of the action team?
No advance payments are planned. The contracting authority will transfer the amount needed to cover personnel costs on monthly basis in accordance with an invoice reflecting the costs of personnel for previous month.
You can access the help desk by phone, by e-mail or by face-to-face meetings. Please do not forget to make an appointment by mail or phone if you require a face-to-face meeting.
E-mail: crm-helpdesk@eu4cr.mk
Phone number: + 389 (0) 76 202 739
Questions to the CRM Team – Help Desk are typically answered in one working day and within three working days at the latest.
Before consulting the CRM Team – Help Desk, we recommend that you review the FAQ section, the Implementation Guideline, as well as other relevant guides, visibility materials and information on our website.
The EU Civil Resilience Mechanism (CRM) is an in-kind support programme for civil society organisations launched under the EU funded project: Technical Assistance for improving the enabling environment for Civil Society Organisations in the Republic of North Macedonia.
The main objective of this Programme is contributing towards enhanced space and capacities of civil society for efficiently addressing the key reform priorities in their communities needed for further democratisation of the society. Through this support, the CSOs should create stronger links with citizens by engaging them in decision and policy making with public authorities, and in ensuring respect for the rule of law and good governance, fundamental rights and international standards, social and greener economy and other activities important for the interests of citizens and improving their living conditions.
Moreover, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and its negative impact on the economic and social spheres increased the existing vulnerabilities of the society. In this context, the CRM Mechanism is important for expanding the EU partnerships with grass-root civil society organisations in North Macedonia in further strengthening the local communities for maintaining the social cohesion, and the policy dialogue for shaping the socio-economic recovery toward a more equitable, gender responsive and environmental-friendly society.
In this respect, the CRM mechanism shall serve to enable grass-root civil society organisations to undertake efficient and effective actions to promptly respond to real needs in their communities and strengthen the citizens’ resilience during frequent social changes, but also informing the citizens, objectively and promptly, on the EU accession process and related sector reforms in the country and their real impact on citizens’ lives.
The support is open to civil society organisations registered in line with the Law of Associations and Foundations of the Republic of North Macedonia, with the last annual turnover of up to
EUR 50,000.
Any action to be supported under the Civil Resilience Mechanism must be rights-based and for public benefit. Rights-based actions are carried out according to the “Rights-based approach”, placing universal human rights values, standards and norms at the action’s centre. This approach encompasses fundamental, human rights, economic, social, and cultural rights, including animal and environmental rights. Public benefit activity is an activity that is socially useful. Article 74 of the Law on Associations and Foundations lists actions/activities of public benefit.
The proposed action must clearly address at least one of the five objectives/lots listed below in order for an applicant to be considered eligible. Although the proposed action may address issues from more than one objective, it must clearly belong to one of the objectives/lots:
Objective 1/Lot 1: To enable CSOs for legal and policy creation and implementation, and for reinforcing advocacy and watchdog role.
Objective 2 /Lot 2: To enhance CSOs for increasing sectorial networking, dialogue, and cooperation with public institutions (central and local) and business community.
Objective 3/Lot 3: To support CSOs in promoting and enhancing democracy and human rights with rights-based actions.
Objective 4/Lot 4: To improve the visibility of the work of CSOs and strengthen their communication with their constituencies and sectorial stakeholders.
Objective 5/Lot 5: To foster networking and exchange of good practices among CSOs in the country and with IPA/EU based CSOs (create citizens’ initiatives and platforms and/or participate in European umbrella organisations for structural cooperation).
Actions must take place in the Republic of North Macedonia.
In the Guidelines for applicants you will find an indicative list of activities (which is not exhaustive), as well as details about the eligible costs for the action.
For more information click HERE.
The overall indicative amount made available under this Call is 900,000 EUR.
During the first round of application, support of up to 600,000 EUR will be awarded.
Size of in-kind support
Any support requested under this Call must be equal to or lower than 20,000 EUR.
All costs for eligible activities under selected applications will be 100% covered.
Minimum action duration: 3 (three) months.
Maximum action duration: until August 31, 2023.
In order to apply for this in-kind support, you need to fill in the application form including budget with budget justification. You must apply in English.
The application form must be submitted online after completing the general online form. Upon submission of an application form online, you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt.
Please note that incomplete application forms may be rejected. Applicants are advised to verify that their application form is completed by using the checklist for application forms.
You are strongly advised to check the implementation documents and procedures before requesting support in order to be properly informed about the application requirements.
The deadline for application for this call for in-kind support is:
Annex A: Application form (download here)
– A.1 – Indicative action plan for implementing the action
– А.2 – Thematic Fields
– A.3 – Checklist
Annex B: Budget (download here)
Annex C: Implementation Guidelines (download here)
Annex D: Assessment Grid (download here)
Applications will be examined and evaluated by the contracting authority with the assistance of assessors. All applications will be assessed according to the following steps and criteria:
Eligibility verification will be performed on the basis of the supporting documents requested by the contracting authority. It will by default only be performed for the applications that have been provisionally selected according to their score and within the available budget for this call for in-kind support. The following supporting documents in copy will be requested:
In case the potential applicant is not recommended for support, recommendations for improvement of the application form will be provided to the unsuccessful applicant who may choose to improve and resubmit the application form in the second round of application.
The CRM Team hosts a series of Info-days to provide guidance on completing the request for support and to respond to questions. Follow us on Facebook to get informed about the next Info-day and to register your participation.
For more information, please contact the CRM Team on +389 (0) 76 202 739,
from 10:00h to 15:00h (Monday – Friday).The CRM Team is committed to respond to you promptly.
We invite you to read thoroughly the CRM documents before preparing your request for support. If you have questions, you can write to our Help Desk at: crm-helpdesk@eu4cr.mk
All questions with answers will be published under Frequently Asked Questions.
1. The Civil Resilience Mechanism supports rights-based actions, what does the rights-based approach mean?
The rights-based approach requires the attention of institutions, groups, or individuals who have responsibility or duty in an ideal world to provide the services, protect the rights or take the measures you intend to cover in your action. These so-called duty-bearers could be local bodies, ministries, parliamentarians, universities, CSOs, private sector, professional organisations, international organisations, community leaders, etc.
The rights-based approach develops the capacity of duty-bearers to meet their obligations and encourages rights-holders to claim their rights. For each action, different duty-bearers might have different roles and responsibilities. If these actors are not fulfilling their responsibilities or duties and if you do nothing to change this with your action, it will mean that things continue to be the same and you would need endlessly to continue raising funds for filling in the gaps left out by duty-bearers. Thereby, it can be said that the rights-based approach also aims for the sustainability of actions and results.
To better develop rights-based actions, you can follow these steps:
The rights-based approach is implemented through the application of five guiding working principles:
To read more on the rights-based approach click HERE.
2. What type of measures can we include to take cross-cutting issues like gender, environment, youth, accessibility in our action design?
The Civil Resilience Mechanism, in line with the rights-based approach, seeks for consideration and integration of cross-cutting issues, particularly the following: ensuring access of people with different disabilities, involvement of disadvantaged groups, environment protection, gender equality and youth inclusion. There are relevant questions in the request for support form in which you are being asked how you will also target and include these cross-cutting areas within the specific activities, policies, and/or specific measures which will strengthen your action and contribute to the programme objectives.
Such measures and activities vary from ensuring the equal participation of genders, young people, disadvantaged groups and people with disabilities in your activities supported by the CRM, to organising specific activities to include young women with disabilities or to providing specific measures (e.g., accessible venues, vegan or vegetarian catering, non-use of plastic bottles, recycling). When and if there is a research component in your action, you can make sure that all genders and ages are represented in the survey. Or when and if you will be creating a website or video you can consider sign language and subtitles for people with different disabilities). In your monitoring of action results, you can consider assessing how different groups of people (disaggregated by gender, age, disability, etc.) are being affected by your intervention.
3. Can a CSO request support for more than one Action?
A CSO can receive in-kind support through the Civil Resilience Mechanism for the implementation of one Action only.
4. Can we get support from the Civil Resilience Mechanism for designing or drafting our action? If yes, what kind of support can we receive?
All CSOs that want to request support from the Civil Resilience Mechanism can ask for assistance from the CRM Team – Help Desk at all stages: pre-request, request and implementation stages. However, please note that CRM Team – Help Desk will not assist you in writing or filling out the form or make any compliance check for your request for support form. The help desk support consists of clarifications and/or explanations regarding the eligibility criteria, request process, budget issues, clarifications on the request for support form, the eligibility and compliance checks, information about other CRM supported actions, about potential partners and other similar support.
5. We are a civil society organisation established this year in March. We already have a nice running portfolio, past projects, as well as projects we currently work on. However, we are unable to provide an official annual financial report because we’re operating for less than a year. Can you please inform us whether we can still apply?
According to Section 2.1. Eligibility of applicants of the Guidelines for applicants the criteria for eligibility of applicants are:
There are no specific criteria about when the organisation was established. Since your organisation has been established in 2022 you are not obliged to provide any financial statements for 2021.
6. We are XXX, and we are one of the oldest registered association in Macedonia. Our work is networking of associations throughout the whole country. Can we also apply at this call?
According to Section 2.1. Eligibility of applicants of the Guidelines for applicants the criteria for eligibility of applicants are:
7. Our organisation is registered in Veles. Can we apply with a project which will be implemented outside of the territory of the Municipality of Veles, i.e. in other town in RN Macedonia? Do we have to implement within these minimum three months the final event as well?
Section 2.2. Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made of the Guidelines for Applicants states that the actions must take place on the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia. There are no specific criteria that the action must take place in the municipality where the applicant is registered. The activities may be implemented in one or more municipalities in one or more regions in the Republic of North Macedonia.
Concerning the duration of the proposed project, according to the criteria, the initial planned duration of an action may not be lower than 3 months with a maximum implementation period until 31st August 2023. Thus, you may set the action duration which has to be from three to eight months if you plan to start with the action implementation in January 2023. The action duration comprises the implementation of all activities of the proposed action including the final event.
8. We are an XXX from Veles and we are eager that the EU will support the civil society through the Civil Resilience Mechanism in the Republic of North Macedonia. We have read the guidelines of the call and we have a question regarding the Annex CRM Implementation guidelines, section Equipment (purchase of small equipment). Since we are working on a specific field XXX we would like to ask you if there is a possibility to relocate the percentage of purchasing, instead small equipment we would like to purchase specialized rescue equipment (for example: equipment-60% action team compensation-20%).
Section 2.3. Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included of the Guidelines for Applicants “Purchase of small equipment, which must be directly linked to the activity of the action and justified. The purchase is limited to 15% of the total cost of the action budget. The type of category of equipment may be for administration of the action (laptop, printer, projector) but may also be another type of equipment for the specific nature of activities under the action. After full implementation of the action, the ownership of the equipment will be transferred to the CSO that has implemented the action.”
9. According to the organisation’s financial statement for 2021, the organisation should not exceed 50,000 EUR in turnover in order to be eligible applicant. In the financial statement there is a current inflow/revenue for the year 2021 as well as transferred assets/revenues from the previous year (2020). Are both taken for calculating the annual turnover?
Excess revenues from previous years that are transferred to 2021 are not taken in the calculation of the annual turnover for 2021.
10. The Ministry of Information Society categorizes jobs for all employees in the public sector, namely public service providers, technical assistants, and administrative workers. Under providers of public services in healthcare, which, according to the MISA codebook, have the code ZDR, are healthcare workers and healthcare associates. The job position healthcare associate with specialisation, has the code ZDR 03 01 D01 001 and it is under serial number 2428 in the codebook and is considered as a provider of public services in healthcare. In case a person who is on this job position is part of the action team are the costs for his/her engagement eligible costs?
According to section 2.3. Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included from the Guidelines for Applicants under Non-eligible costs is listed “Honoraria for activists and compensation for public administration staff”. Thus, if the person is already employed and paid directly from central, regional, or local government budgets then they cannot be paid as project experts or project team members.
11. In the implementation of the planned project, we anticipate the purchase of a Braille printer (a Braille printer for blind people), but the printer itself costs about 4200 euros plus costs for transport, customs, VAT and forwarding services. Can this whole cost be eligible under this call for in-kind support?
According to Section 2.3. Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included of the Guidelines for Applicants “Purchase of small equipment, which must be directly linked to the activity of the action and justified. The purchase is limited to 15% of the total cost of the action budget. The type of category of equipment may be for administration of the action (laptop, printer, projector) but may also be another type of equipment for the specific nature of activities under the action. After full implementation of the action, the ownership of the equipment will be transferred to the CSO that has implemented the action.”
12. Can CSOs’ alliances/networks registered in line with the Law on Associations and Foundations apply on the call?
According to Section 2.1. Eligibility of applicants of the Guidelines for applicants the criteria for eligibility of applicants are:
13. Are bank fees eligible costs if directly related to action costs?
YES if any. This may only be the case with payments made to the organisation for compensation of action team and communication costs.
14. Can more than one expert be budgeted and requested if they are well justified?
According to Section 2.3. Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included of the Guidelines for applicants eligible costs are the costs for maximum one thematic expert (excluding on legal issues).
15. Does having partner in the application increase the chances for receiving CRM in-kind support?
Under this call for in-kind support it is not mandatory to have a partner. Having a partner or not is not assessed by the assessors.
16. What is the implementation procedure for this in-kind support?
Implementation procedure is explained in the Implementation Guidelines available on the website www.eu4cr.mk
17. Does the in-kind support have to be registered for VAT exemption?
NO, this in-kind support does not have to be registered for VAT exemption as all payments will be made directly by the CRM team.
18. In case the pool of suppliers provided by the CRM team does not provide the needed services, what is the procedure? What if the pool of supplies has no local coverage of services?
The organisation collects three offers or does market research and sends the full documentation to the CRM team for approval of the proposed supplier.
19. When is the expected start date for the action implementation? Having in mind that in the application must be stated number of months for action implementation, what is the maximum duration of the actions in number of months?
It is expected for the approved actions to start with the implementation in January 2023, thus maximum duration of the proposed action is eight months.
20. Having in mind that the organisations can be small and without any budget, is it possible for advance payments to be made to the organisations for covering the costs of the action team?
No advance payments are planned. The contracting authority will transfer the amount needed to cover personnel costs on monthly basis in accordance with an invoice reflecting the costs of personnel for previous month.
You can access the help desk by phone, by e-mail or by face-to-face meetings. Please do not forget to make an appointment by mail or phone if you require a face-to-face meeting.
E-mail: crm-helpdesk@eu4cr.mk
Phone number: + 389 (0) 76 202 739
Questions to the CRM Team – Help Desk are typically answered in one working day and within three working days at the latest.
Before consulting the CRM Team – Help Desk, we recommend that you review the FAQ section, the Implementation Guideline, as well as other relevant guides, visibility materials and information on our website.